
Lyras has been collaborating with UCN

Through UCN, Lyras has access to a valuable resource, students. UCN provides students for project collaborations and internships. This information sharing benefits Lyras with new ideas and outlooks on problem solving.

Cooperation between AAU and Lyras

Like UCN, AAU provides Lyras with students for internships and project collaborations. Furthermore, AAU provides the opportunity for Lyras to collaborate with ongoing Ph.d. students, who research and test technology that positively affects Lyras’ approach to R&D.

Lyras has additionally been connected to Innovativ Vækst, a growth program Erhvervshus Nordjylland is offering

Erhvervshus Nordjylland is a program, which provides startup companies with tools and sparring in the process of starting up a company. Lyras have benefitted from Erhvervshus Nordjylland through development dialogues and sparring. Lyras has additionally been connected to Innovativ Vækst, a growth program Erhvervshus Nordjylland is offering.

Access2Innovation provides Lyras with funding.

Access2Innovation provides Lyras with funding and is able to help companies who want to expand to foreign market, such as countries in Africa. Should Lyras choose to go into an African market, Access2Innovation would provide guidance and mentoring for the process.

Food and bio Tegnebraet 1

Food & Bio Cluster er en landsdækkende klyngeorganisation, der hjælper Lyras med at styrke vidensbaseret innovation og konkurrenceevne. Det har de gjort ved at assistere i at indhente tilskud til opkvalificering af vores medarbejdere.

Collaboration with Supporting Entrepreneurship at Aalborg University

SEA has provided Lyras with knowledge sharing, sparring and guidance for starting up a company. Furthermore, they have provided Lyras with a workspace, a great resource in the startup phase.

Funding from Miljø- og Energifonden

Through Miljø- og Energifonden, a Danish fond that support business’ that work towards bettering the environment, Lyras has received funding that has aided its development.

Collaboration and sparing from Novi

Novi has provided Lyras with sparring and knowledge sharing, which have benefitted Lyras greatly in the startup process..

wageningen university 2

Among other things, Wageningen University & Research helps us run tests for customers and has a Pilot plant located in their facilities.

dtu ny 2

Together with the Technical University, Lyras has been doing research and running tests. A DTU student is also currently writing a GUPD project on Lyras.

ny ngs

NGS has assisted Lyras in doing a third part validation of our calculation tool.