The future of sustainable processing is here

We could say that raslysation is a cheaper, easier, and greener solution, but we are just going to let the numbers speak for themselves.

Your industry in focus

We supply raslysation solutions globally for all liquid processing industries. Select your industry below to explore the options.


Industrial fermentation


Blood plasma


From conventional thermal pasteurization to cutting edge raslysation™

Raslysation is setting new standards for the liquid processing industry; It is a revolutionizing new technology that minimizes operational costs by drastically reducing energy and water consumption while increasing product quality.


Calculate your
energy savings

By implementing our energy-efficient raslysation system in place of a heat pasteurizer, you save about 519 tonnes of CO2 a year, which is equivalent to driving a petrol-powered family-sized car around the globe 164 times.

NGS LOGO RGB MORKEGRONThis calculation tool is validated and approved by NGS Nordic Green Solutions

Together we decarbonize our global processing footprint

Achieve energy savings of 60-90% by replacing pasteurization with raslysation. As the latter relies solely on electricity, it paves the way for a renewable-energy production.

Goal for 2030

By 2030, our equipment will have saved 1,000,000 tonnes of CO₂, equivalent to 180,000 Europeans’ annual emission.

Sustainability is the core of our business

Raslysation is a non-thermal processing technology for liquids. Using UV light instead of heat significantly reduces water and energy demands, making raslysation a sustainable replacement for conventional pasteurization.

Myths about UV light

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  • April 4

    Lyras is reinforced by a new CEO with deep insight into the product and market


  • March 19

    Energy-saving replacement for pasteurization honored with DLG award medal 


  • March 2

    UV technology cuts off 88,000 euros from dairy’s energy bill